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Young professionals District Heating Divas Online Event

It’s been a while since the District Heating Divas Young Professionals group met and hosted a session… so I am delighted to announce this upcoming online panel event: Empower Hour: Insights and Advice from one Diva to another.

We have an incredible line-up of inspiring industry leaders who will share their insights:

  • Charlotte Owen – Growth Director at Hemiko

  • Charlotte Large – Director - Decarbonisation and Strategy at Bring Energy

  • Lucy Padfield – Clean Heat Strategy Director at Ramboll

  • Soulla Paphitis – Sales Director at Guru Systems

During this session, our panellists will share their career journeys, offering perspectives on the diverse paths and roles within the industry. Additionally, there will also be tips and guidance for early careers and young professionals. We hope this to be an interactive discussion, with ample opportunity for audience participation and questions!

Whilst the session will be focused towards young professionals, it is open to anyone of any age and gender, so please share widely amongst your network and colleagues!!

Look forward to seeing you all there 😊

For more information and for joining details, please contact Lucy Sherburn.

April 25

Midlands District Heating Divas meetup

May 9

London District Heating Divas meetup