Connecting Women in District Heat 2024

Connecting Women in District Heat 2024

Connecting Women in District Heating 2024 will be a week-long festival of interesting and engaging content and networking, taking place from Monday 9th – Friday 13th September 2024.

The in-person event will be hosted at Strathclyde University in Glasgow on Thursday 12th September. Alongside the main theatre, we’ll have ample room for networking and break-out sessions to ensure we can deliver a brilliant programme and maximise everyone’s involvement.

We know that not everyone will be able to make it to Glasgow, so we will also be running online webinars throughout the week so the widest range of people can take part.

Once again, the programme – both online and in-person – will cover professional and personal development: it’s one of the things that makes CWDH unique in the industry calendar, and one of the most talked about events of the year.

The conference is open to all – Divas and our allies, and anyone else who’s just curious to see what’s going on. We know that we can only make a difference if we all work together.


University of Strathclyde Technology and Innovation Centre, 99 George Street, Glasgow, G1 1RD

In the meantime, you can book your ticket here, or if you have any questions, contact Rachael Mills and Liz Warren.

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Brussels District Heating Divas meetup

Brussels District Heating Divas meetup

As summer holidays approach, it's the perfect time to take a well-deserved break from our busy work in accelerating the EU heating and cooling transition!

If you are in Brussels on Thursday, 11 July, we warmly invite you to join our afterwork meetup at the beautiful Parc du Cinquantenaire. Let's celebrate summer with a relaxing evening at Guinguette Maurice. Enjoy a refreshing cocktail and great company as we unwind and connect!

Date: 11 July 2024

Time: 17:00 onwards

Location: Guingette Maurice, Parc du Cinquantenaire

Please RSVP by 10 July to let us know if you plan to join.

Note that everyone will be responsible for their own expenses 🍸🍺🍷

Disclaimer: The location may change if the weather is unfavourable.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, contact Aksana Krasatsenka.

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Scandi Divas Meetup

Scandi Divas Meetup

Join the Scandi Divas 15.00 - 16.00 (Danish time) or 14.00 - 15.00 (UK time).

Som annonceret på LinkedIn, inviteres du hermed til webinar om, hvordan vi håndterer work/life balancen. Glæder mig til at se dig.

As announced on LinkedIn, you are hereby invited to a webinar for exchanging experiences on how we handle work/life balance. Looking forward to seeing you there

Check the LinkedIn group or contact Kamma Eilschou Holm for further information.

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