Connecting Women in District Heat 2022

Thank you so much to all of you who joined the UK’s only networking group dedicated to supporting women in heat networks and associated fields - the District Heating Divas – at Connecting Women in District Heat Conference 2022 both in person and online. We hope you enjoyed and were uplifted as much as we were!

The recordings of the hybrid sessions* are now available on Whova for you to watch back at your leisure. Just navigate the to the session in the agenda and click the blue view session button.

The videos we played on the day are also separately available on Whova (Vital Education, the Diverse Heat Network and Diva Careers, as well as the interviews for the customer session): you can find these both in the Whova sessions or by heading to the video gallery.  Whova will be available for 3 months so please make the most of it while you can.

You can also access the Diva Careers video by clicking here!

There are also LOADS of photos from the in person event. Please do have a browse and feel free to keep any as momentos and don’t hesitate to share again on your own social media! We also have quite a few of the Diva and the Women in Science postcards left over from the event, so please get in touch if you’d like a few and we’ll pop them in the post!

We’ve created a very short feedback form which we’d really love if you could complete. It’s only 6 very quick questions! Your input will really help us plan our next fabulous event (someone has already suggested we should go international next year..!)

*we took the decision not to record the in person or online only sessions, you just had to be there!

Conference Sponsors

a big thank you to all our sponsors who made the day possible!

  • Platinum sponsor

  • Gold sponsor

  • Gold sponsor

  • Gold sponsor

  • Gold sponsor

  • Silver sponsor

  • Silver sponsor

  • Silver sponsor

  • Silver sponsor

  • Silver sponsor

  • Bronze sponsor

  • Bronze sponsor

  • Bronze sponsor

  • Bronze sponsor

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