Danfoss Divas share their passion for knowledge sharing
Back in 2018, on Danfoss Future of Work Hackathon, an interesting idea was born. As everything is moving into digital, new technologies are being developed almost daily, the need for fresh knowledge became a new norm, even demand. Our colleagues in Danfoss, Mateja Panjan and Gašper Hren wanted to somehow enable knowledge sharing among experts from different industries. This is how the idea of Talent Cloud was born.
Talent Cloud is the idea of free movement of knowledge and experiences between different companies, industries, and soon countries. The team behind Talent Cloud believes that it is time to enable the development and learning of our employees beyond the boundaries of their own organisation.
So, how does it work you may ask? The Talent Cloud Team collaborates and builds a safe place for companies to define challenges and issues while working with industry partners to establish methods of resolving these challenges through exchange of knowledge, understanding and expertise.
As proud Gold Sponsors of the 2nd annual District Heating Divas’ conference, Soulla Paphitis, Business Development Manager at Danfoss UK will share the exciting launch of this skills and knowledge-sharing opportunity in the UK.
Soulla Paphitis
“Collaboration really is the key to success! What we learn from each other is so valuable to the development of our sector, working in silos should be a thing of the past. Growth, open discussions, knowledge sharing and showing strong leadership to one another are the key values that we share at Danfoss and from my time as a Diva I believe these too are the members’ key values. I am excited to launch the Talent Cloud in the UK and to have the opportunity to work with some amazing people throughout this journey.”
As a business, we are committed to providing diversity and encouraging the role of female leaders in the Heat Sector. We are embarking on an exciting new plan, where are goal is to grow the number of female leaders from 20% today to 30% by 2025. We are aware that in order to provide the best solutions to our customers, we need to have the best employees, with new ideas and approaches.
Mateja Panjan and Gašper Hren
“Being able to recognise the trends that are focusing on companies’ care for their employees, to see the ever-growing need to learn and collaborate, allows us to better our teams, but also face our challenges from different angles, that is provided with knowledge sharing and listening. Networking and cooperation will be key factors in the future of work. And this project encourages talent development, transfer of knowledge and good practices.”
Today, the District Energy sector is facing big challenges, but numerous opportunities lie ahead as well. The sector plays a major role in the Paris Agreement as it is acknowledged as one of the enablers of decarbonisation process. District energy is also part of trends such as the sector integration, the circular economy and digitalisation. The challenges are more on the district heating utilities’ side and are mainly connected to integrating a variety of renewable energy sources, providing more transparency and new services to customers as well as the constantly expanding district energy network that has to be optimised and refurbished.
We believe that our desire to collaborate and create a safe space to learn, will enable us to grow as a business but also provide better solutions for the challenges that District Energy Sector is facing at the moment.