Bringing new perspectives to heat networks

In this blog, Lauren Otway, Project Development Manager, SSE Energy Solutions sets out the importance of diversity and inclusion in the future of our heat networks sector:

Heat networks are poised for a huge ramp up in coming years, with new Ofgem regulations and zoning powers set to change the industry dramatically. The district heat industry is a critical sector to provide stable, affordable and low carbon heat across the UK. The Climate Change Committee has recommended that 18% of the UK’s heating will come from heat networks by 2050, a substantial leap from the current 2%.

In order to make such a dramatic change possible, it is essential for the sector to embrace and foster diverse perspectives and experiences. Zoning will be critical to reach the scale of expansion that heat networks require and will be a huge catalyst for job growth in the industry. In order to fully realise these benefits, we need to ensure that people from a range of backgrounds have opportunities to enter, contribute and build successful careers in the sector. Diversity and inclusion will be crucial as we ramp up the workforce in the future.

The active inclusion of women in district heat brings about a much-needed balance in the industry. Women are often underrepresented in STEM fields and particularly in the energy sector. Increasing the number of women and other underrepresented groups helps to address gender gaps and creates opportunities for more diverse teams to work together, creating more innovative solutions.

In an industry that has traditionally been a male-dominated sector, it can be intimidating for women to enter and progress within the field. This is why initiatives that support women are imperative in helping to challenge stereotypes, motivate and inspire young women to thrive in their careers in the energy sector. We each bring unique perspectives and experiences that can contribute to the industry and increasing the diversity of our workforce will be crucial as the industry moves and adapts over the coming years.

The district heat industry must continue to promote gender equality and create opportunities for women to participate fully in this rapidly changing sector. The heat networks industry is a fantastic field to pursue an exciting and fulfilling career and there has never been a better time to be encouraging more women to enter and thrive!


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